Atopia Projects editions
Fraser Stables Limited Edition Photograph. An edition of 25 orginal photographs (signed and numbered) by Frase Stables. Released in conjunction with the publication GLASS HOUSE: on having nothing to say about Philip Johnson in which features this image on the cover. The edition can be purchased from the Atopia Projects shop. Further project details here
Hrafnkell Sigurðsson Limited Edition Photograph. An edition of 20 orginal photographs (signed and numbered) by the Icelandic artist Hrafnkell Sigurðsson. Released in conjunction with the publication Grey Hope: the Persistence of Melancholy in which Sigurðsson's work features. The edition can be purchased from the Atopia Projects shop. Further project details here
Beat Streuli Limited Edition Photograph. An edition of 20 orginal photographs (signed and numbered) by the Swiss artist Beat Streuli. Released in conjunction with the publication BEAT STREULI BRUXELLES MIDI. Please email atopia projects regarding availability. Further project details here